马来西亚浸信会神学院推动跨文化宣教课程已经有26年的时间, 上帝的恩典我们的宣教和跨文化硕士以及宣教学博士得到国际的认可。训练了许多国家的宣教士,神学院的宣教教师,机构的宣教领袖,宣教工场中的资深宣教士。我们现在推出以韩文为主的100%线上的韩文宣教学硕士,跨文化硕士。邀请各地的韩国宣教士,韩国宣教机构的同工能够一起报读。

Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary has promoted cross-cultural missions for 26 years. By God’s Grace, our Masters in Missions and Inter-Cultural Studies and Doctor in Missiology have been internationally recognized. Trained missionaries from many countries, mission faculty from seminaries, mission leaders from organizations, and experienced missionaries in mission fields. We are now launching a 100% online Master of Missiology/ Master of Inter-Cultural Studies in Korean language. We invite Korean missionaries from all over the world, and co-workers from Korean mission agencies to come and learn together. Is 100% Online! 100% in Korean!

email: Kois58@protonmail.com
