(A) Maintaining Academic Standards

When a student fails a course, he/she is immediately placed on probation for one term. In order to maintain good standing, a student must not fail in more than four courses in his/her entire seminary training. No assistance in the form of a work grant will be given to a student who has failed a course in the preceding term. A student who fails two or more courses in one term may be asked to terminate his/her studies.

Any F grade will be reflected on a student’s transcript, although it will be neither considered as credit earned nor used in the GPA calculation. The grade can be replaced if the student retakes the course.

(B) Changing to a Lower Program of Study

Students seeking to change to a lower level of program of study must apply in writing to the Academic Office at least four months prior to the proposed termination of study. Students applying for a transfer to a lower level of program of study will be asked to meet with their faculty supervisor in order to prayerfully evaluate their request in the light of their original sense of call, current circumstances, level of preparedness, and sense of the Lord's leadership. The Faculty, as a policy, will encourage students to complete the program of study for which they were approved originally.

The Faculty may consider the granting of such request in exceptional cases when,

1. Circumstances arise which providentially hinder the student from completing the original program of study;


2. God clearly leads the student in a different direction which does not require the level of preparation provided by the original program of study;


3. The student demonstrates a level of maturity and preparedness so that the Faculty is comfortable with granting certification.

The Faculty will definitely not consider the granting of such request when,

4. The requirements of the original program of study are found by the student to be too difficult or inconvenient to complete,


5. The student becomes dissatisfied with the training that he/she is receiving at MBTS.
